Genealogy Alphabet Challenge – “B is for BCG, The Board for Certification of Genealogists”

When I first started researching my family history, I did not know that this hobby of mine could actually be a profession for others. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I discovered that there were actual ethics, guidelines and standards that had been set for genealogical research. The BCG or the Board for the Certification of Genealogists, I would say, are at the forefront of professional genealogist accreditations, and have been since 1964.

There is a wealth of information on their website including application information, work samples and a blog called “Springboard” that is updated on a regular basis.

A lot of genealogists will begin their portfolio requirements before they are officially “on the clock”, although their are some requirements to the portfolio which require information from the BCG that cannot be done until you have officially applied.

A great webinar that I have watched a couple times is on the Family Tree Webinars website. It is called “Kinship Determination: From Generation to Generation” presented by Judy G. Russell

Other webinars that are worth a look in regards to certification are:

“Thinking About Becoming a Board-certified Genealogist?” presented by Elissa Scalise Powell

“Educational Preparation for Certification: Many Paths to the Same Goal” presented by Angela Packer McGhie

Jill Morelli’s “Genealogy Certification: My Personal Journey” is a blog I recommend if you are interested at all in pursuing a certification in genealogy. Although Jill Morelli is now “off” the clock and has achieved her credential, her blog is full of her experiences as she prepared to submit her BCG portfolio.

Come back on Monday for the next letter in the Genealogy Alphabet Challenge. I will be writing a post on “C is for Church Records”.

Thanks for reading 🙂

Happy Digging!






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